Been Awake
Been Awake with LB
87.2 - Post WWII and Israel's Independence

87.2 - Post WWII and Israel's Independence

Been Awake with LB

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Welcome to the show, in this episode we continue our high-level conversation about the conflict between Palestine and Israel by going back in time and starting the clock after the end of World War Two, for whatever else may have been happening at the time - there was a question, what should be done with the Jewish people? The subsequent events leads to Zionists declaring the independence of the state of Israel. We’ll read that document and analyze some connections that will be made more clear in episode 87.3 - so make sure you’re subscribed! If you want immediate access to the two hour livestream become a member of the Been Awake Elite by buying a yearly membership!

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Been Awake
Been Awake with LB
Welcome to the mission of Better Sensemaking! Join L.B. as he explores the realms of news, philosophy, and mindset to teach you what comes next in Politics! L.B. Muniz is the mind behind where the analysis is always original and rarely what you think! With a foundation in philosophical skepticism there is no better way to learn how to understand modern problems and explore modern solutions.