Been Awake
Been Awake with LB
Ep 83 - We all Knew about Nordstream

Ep 83 - We all Knew about Nordstream

plus a mindset piece on being caught in a rut

In this episode we dive into the recent “revelations” by the Washington Post confirming what so many of us already knew - the United States had direct knowledge of the Nordstream attack last year months before it occurred.

While reading the piece we will analyze the form these kinds of stories take. After all - in order to maintain credibility press outlets do eventually need to report on the facts. The key word being “eventually” this is another great example of “narrative discipline” in action. They allow for the facts of something to be incorporated to the news cycle, and create enough plausible deniability to justify the original false propaganda.

After that we change gears and read my latest original mindset piece about being stuck in a rut.

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Been Awake
Been Awake with LB
Welcome to the mission of Better Sensemaking! Join L.B. as he explores the realms of news, philosophy, and mindset to teach you what comes next in Politics! L.B. Muniz is the mind behind where the analysis is always original and rarely what you think! With a foundation in philosophical skepticism there is no better way to learn how to understand modern problems and explore modern solutions.